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Volunteer Opportunities
1. Grants Assistant

2. Office Worker
3. Technology Facilitator
4. Bookkeeper
5. Internship
6. Publications Assistant
7. Exhibit Assistant

Volunteer Opportunity Information—Position #1

Job Title: Grants Assistant

Agency Name: TRACES Center for History and Culture
flexible: after school/weekdays/daytime/evenings/Saturdays/Sundays
Hours per Week:
open/8-24 hours per week ideal
When Needed:
ongoing/as soon as possible
Types of Volunteers Suitable for Position:
individual/intern/physically disabled/seniors/youth (17+)

Opportunity Description: We need volunteers to help research and draft grant applications that will help fund programming both at our St. Paul museum and projects that travel around the Twin Cities metro area and nationwide (see www.TRACES.org for details about our organization, mission and activities)

Skills Involved: internet research and accurate recording of findings, personable and professional telephone presence, excellent persuasive and targeted writing skills, ability to work collaboratively on multiple projects

Training Provided: an orientation of approximately 90 minutes can be scheduled at volunteers’ earliest convenience

Minimum Commitment: ongoing commitments preferred (i.e., regular blocks of time scheduled more than once each week); one-time assistance also welcome as needed

Agency Serves: The general public, with emphasis on school groups and senior citizens.

Client Type: We’re a non-profit educational organization, focused on history and culture.

Opportunity Location: 1729 Hague Ave., #2 , Saint Paul/MN 55104
administrator at 651.646.0400 or admin@TRACES.org

Agency Information:
TRACES Center for History and Culture
1729 Hague Ave., #2
Saint Paul/MN 55104

651.646.0400 fax 651.646.8070


Volunteer Opportunity Information—Position #2

Job Title: Office Worker
Recruitment Preferences:

Agency Name: TRACES Center for History and Culture
after school/weekdays/daytime/evenings/weekends possible if volunteer desires
Hours per Week:
open/8-24 hours per week ideal
When Needed:
ongoing/as soon as possible
Types of Volunteers Suitable for Position:
individual/intern/physically disabled/seniors/youth (17+)

Opportunity Description: Office workers will answer the telephone, help prepare electronic and postal mailings, process in-coming mail, do inventory or stack books, etc.

Skills Involved: friendly telephone persona and demeanor, ability to sort mail or lift medium loads of books (10-15 pounds), be part of a team project yet work independently

Training Provided: one half-day orientation, with on-going guidance

Minimum Commitment: one week (absolute minimum)/one month or more (preferred)

Agency Serves: The general public, with emphasis on school groups and senior citizens. (see www.TRACES.org for details about our organization, mission and activities)

Client Type: We’re a non-profit educational organization, focused on history and culture.

Opportunity Location: 75 West Fifth Street, Suite 211 , Saint Paul / Minnesota 55102
administrator at 651.646.0400 or admin@TRACES.org

Agency Information:
TRACES Center for History and Culture
1729 Hague Ave., #2
Saint Paul/MN 55104

651.646.0400 fax 651.646.8070


Volunteer Opportunity Information—Position #3

Job Title: Technology Facilitator
Recruitment Preferences:

Agency Name: TRACES Center for History and Culture
after school/weekdays/daytime/evenings/weekends possible if volunteer desires
Hours per Week:
open/8-24 hours per week ideal
When Needed:
ongoing/as soon as possible
Types of Volunteers Suitable for Position:
court-referred/individual/family/group (3-5 people)/intern/physically disabled/seniors/youth (16+)

Opportunity Description: Technology facilitator helps our organization streamline, up-grade and maintain our computer/related machinery, as well as reviews and reorganizes our software resources. If possible, tech. facilitator(s) do basic web-site revisions, etc.

Skills Involved: basic computer skills, including those involving web-site management, publishing programs, bookkeeping, etc. Team-playing ability needed, as well as ability to work independently and productively. Some off-site training may be possible/paid for.

Training Provided: one-day orientation, with on-going guidance

Minimum Commitment: one week (absolute minimum)/one month or more (preferred)

Agency Serves: The general public, with emphasis on school groups and senior citizens. (see www.TRACES.org for details about our organization, mission and activities)

Client Type: We’re a non-profit educational organization, focused on history and culture.

Opportunity Location: 75 West Fifth Street, Suite 211 , Saint Paul / Minnesota 55102
administrator at 651.646.0400 or admin@TRACES.org

Agency Information:
TRACES Center for History and Culture
1729 Hague Ave., #2
Saint Paul/MN 55104

651.646.0400 fax 651.646.8070


Volunteer Opportunity Information—Position #4

Job Title: Bookkeeper
Recruitment Preferences:

Agency Name: TRACES Center for History and Culture
after school/weekdays/daytime/evenings/weekends possible if volunteer desires
Hours per Week:
open/8-24 hours per week ideal
When Needed:
ongoing/as soon as possible
Types of Volunteers Suitable for Position:
individual/intern/physically disabled/seniors

Opportunity Description: Bookkeeper keeps track of our organization’s income and outgo, as well as prepares the monthly statements, as part of yearly tax return preparation.

Skills Involved: Basic bookkeeping skills, if possible including familiarity with Quickbooks and other standard bookkeeping software programs available on the market.

Training Provided: one-day orientation, with on-going guidance

Minimum Commitment: one week (absolute minimum)/one month or more (preferred)

Agency Serves: The general public, with emphasis on school groups and senior citizens. (see www.TRACES.org for details about our organization, mission and activities)

Client Type: We’re a non-profit educational organization, focused on history and culture.

Opportunity Location: 75 West Fifth Street, Suite 211 , Saint Paul / Minnesota 55102
administrator at 651.646.0400 or admin@TRACES.org

Agency Information:
TRACES Center for History and Culture
1729 Hague Ave., #2
Saint Paul/MN 55104

651.646.0400 fax 651.646.8070


Volunteer Opportunity Information—Position #5

Job Title: Internship
Recruitment Preferences:

Agency Name: TRACES Center for History and Culture
after school/weekdays/daytime/evenings/Saturdays/Sundays
Hours per Week:
open/20-40 hours per week ideal
When Needed:
ongoing/as soon as possible
Types of Volunteers Suitable for Position:
court-referred/individual/intern/physically disabled/seniors/youth (17+)

Opportunity Description: Interns will serve, in effect, as the administrative assistants, with their responsibilities determined by their maturity and duration of internship.

Skills Involved: varied, with people skills among the most important, as well as an ability and willingness to be open to new assignments. A knowledge of German helpful but not required; travel and cross-cultural experience a strong plus. Our organization is willing to work with educational organizations in a formal way to create credit-earning internships.

Training Provided: one-week intensive followed by on-going general guidance/peer input

Minimum Commitment: two weeks (absolute minimum)/one semester or year (preferred)

Agency Serves: The general public, with emphasis on school groups and senior citizens.

Client Type: We’re a non-profit educational organization, focused on history and culture.

Opportunity Location: 75 West Fifth Street, Suite 211 , Saint Paul / Minnesota 55102
administrator at 651.646.0400 or admin@TRACES.org

Agency Information:
TRACES Center for History and Culture
1729 Hague Ave., #2
Saint Paul/MN 55104

651.646.0400 fax 651.646.8070


Volunteer Opportunity Information—Position #6

Job Title: Publications Assistant
Recruitment Preferences:

Agency Name: TRACES Center for History and Culture
after school/weekdays/daytime/evenings/weekends possible if volunteer desires

Hours per Week: open/8-24 hours per week ideal
When Needed:
ongoing/as soon as possible
Types of Volunteers Suitable for Position:
individual/intern/physically disabled/seniors

Opportunity Description: Publications assistant will help conceptualize and layout our organization’s publications—brochures, conference or events booklets/guides, narrative-history books, etc. Some projects will be basic, others more complex.

Skills Involved: basic printing-software skills, familiarity with editing and layout projects

Training Provided: one-half day, with on-going general guidance; off-site publishing-software or other training/graphics education may be provided

Minimum Commitment: one week (absolute minimum)/one month or more (preferred)

Agency Serves: The general public, with emphasis on school groups and senior citizens. (see www.TRACES.org for details about our organization, mission and activities)

Client Type: We’re a non-profit educational organization, focused on history and culture.

Opportunity Location: 75 West Fifth Street, Suite 211 , Saint Paul / Minnesota 55102
administrator at 651.646.0400 or admin@TRACES.org

Agency Information:
TRACES Center for History and Culture
1729 Hague Ave., #2
Saint Paul/MN 55104

651.646.0400 fax 651.646.8070


Volunteer Opportunity Information—Position #7

Job Title: Exhibit Assistant
Recruitment Preferences:

Agency Name: TRACES Center for History and Culture
after school/weekdays/daytime/evenings/weekends possible if volunteer desires
Hours per Week:
open/8-24 hours per week ideal
When Needed:
ongoing/as soon as possible
Types of Volunteers Suitable for Position:
individual/family/intern/physically disabled/seniors

Opportunity Description: Exhibit assistant will help conceptualize and complete exhibits.

Skills Involved: Design and light construction experience a plus; museum experience a treasure! Ability to visualize abstract ideas and designs necessary. Teamwork essential.

Training Provided: one-half day, with continued on-site training during the project work

Minimum Commitment: one week (absolute minimum)/one month or more (preferred)

Agency Serves: The general public, with emphasis on school groups and senior citizens. (see www.TRACES.org for details about our organization, mission and activities)

Client Type: We’re a non-profit educational organization, focused on history and culture.

Opportunity Location: 75 West Fifth Street, Suite 211 , Saint Paul / Minnesota 55102
Contact: administrator at 651.646.0400 or admin@TRACES.org

Agency Information:
TRACES Center for History and Culture
1729 Hague Ave., #2
Saint Paul/MN 55104

651.646.0400 fax 651.646.8070


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