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Private James G. Fuller

422nd Regiment

106th Division

Milford, Iowa


     Jim Fuller’s 422nd Infantry Regiment was already soaked to the skin after a week in down-pouring rain in France when it was ordered to move out into Belgium.  The men traveled for two days in trucks in a 207-mile convoy into the Ardennes Forest in what was the coldest, snowiest weather in memory there.  They, along with the 423rd, replaced the 2nd Infantry Division on December 11th.  The German Ardennes counteroffensive struck them on December 16th, the day Private Fuller was taken prisoner.  On the 19th, what was left of both regiments surrendered in the Schnee Eifel salient near Schoeneberg in the Battle of the Bulge.  Of the 7,001 men missing in action at the end of the battle, 6,697 men were captured, 6,500 of whom would return home, leaving 197 who did not survive the camps.  564 were killed in action; 1,246 were wounded.

     When the regiments surrendered, they had been on the Continent only about 15 days and had the youngest troops (average age 22) of any American division on the line.

     At Stalag IV-B, Fuller was about 80 miles south of Berlin near Muhlberg and the Elbe River.  One POW there remembered that “the sun seldom shone, and the sky maintained a perpetual Baltic grayness . . . The only things on the flat horizons were the endless rows of squat barracks in most directions and a thin row of trees across a flat field.”

     Prisoners shared the outdoor open latrine, from which the contents were hauled to nearby fields.  Without heat or lights, the barracks housed Americans, British, French, Russians and Serbs.  POWs reported the Russian prisoners received less food than even the meager allotment of the others and were much more harshly treated, ostensibly because Russia had not signed the Geneva Convention.

     The barracks held wooden bunks, three beds high, with no mattresses and one blanket per prisoner.  Constant battles with vermin, especially lice, troubled the men held at IV-B as did hunger, dysentery, and cold.

     The Russians ultimately liberated the camp, but many of the POWs did not wait for an exchange to be made between the Russians and Americans.  Those who did not wait confiscated bicycles or walked until they met other Allied troops.  Along the way, they often were witness to atrocities committed by the Russian troops upon the German civilians—a harsh counter reaction to the treatment the Germans had given their Russian prisoners.


Oct. 21             Left States

Oct. 29             Arrived Glasgow, Scotland

Oct. 31             Arrived Fairford

Nov. 29                        Left Fairford

Dec. 2              South Hampton to Le Harve

Dec. 3              In the area

Dec. 10                        Front Lines

Dec. 21                        Captured

Dec. 24                        Bomb 10 K Goerldstein – 8 killed and 72 wounded

Jan. 1               Arrived at Stalag IV-B


Jan. 10, 1945

Dear Mom,

     Hope by the time you receive this, your mind is a little more at ease.  I’m getting along fine and in the best of health.  Red Cross will probably inform you so I won’t waste much time (space).  About all I do is eat, sleep and read.  I’ve read three books since I arrived.  All set for school.  No need to worry because I hope to be home before long.

                                                Love, Jim

Jan. 18

Dear Mom,

     Things go on about as usual here with things looking brighter every day.  Rather cold today – below zero, but that means very little when all one has to do is stay inside and keep warm. Last week we had another Red Cross parcel, which came in very handy.  About all I do is read, eat, sleep, play cribbage, which seems to be a favorite game with these English Boys, and get a little exercise.  It will be very little today.  The other night, I played bridge with two English boys, a very enjoyable evening. 

     You won’t get much information from these letters but then I expect you to hear that from the Red Cross.  Cigarettes are the medium of exchange here.  15 fags for a can of jam, etc.  I paid one cigarette for a haircut.  I’m getting along swell and hope you and the family are doing the same.

                                                Love, Jim


Jan. 21              Left for Heidenow

Jan. 23              Arrived, started to work next day.

Feb. 25             Sunday.  Flour soup, 1 lb.; potatoes, 3/8 lb. bread.

War will last one month – prediction by Hollander.  Philippines liberated.

Feb. 26             Monday.  Turnip soup, ½ lb; potatoes, ¾ lb.; 3/8 lb. bread;

                        ¼ lb. rancid butter.  Turkey declared war against Germany.

                        Worked in ditch as usual.  Swiped a few sugar beets.

                        (Dream food – peanut butter and bananas spread)

Feb. 27             Tuesday.  Turnip soup ½ lb.; potatoes, ¾ lb.; 38 lb. bread;

                        salt and pepper; ¼ sugar.  Egypt in war. Caught hell from

                        Germans – suspicious character – got hold of a few stolen

                        potatoes.  (Dream food – avocados.)

Feb. 28             Wednesday.  Sweet turnip soup and flour soup ¼ lb.;

                        marmalade; squash soup, bread.  Nothing new on the

                        war. (Dream food – smoked herring)

Mar. 1              Thursday.  2 lbs. spuds; ¼ lb. cheese; sample butter;

                        bread, tea.  Berlin bombed heavily.  My name taken on

                        job (Dream food – V-No Bar)

Mar. 2              Friday.  Flour soup; ½ lb. potatoes; 1/3 lb. meat; bread;

                        coffee.  Americans advancing.  Big raid in vicinity.

                        Swiped some more beets.  Ditch digging about over.

                        (Dream foods – Velvet Ice Cream and malted milk with

                        raw egg)

Mar. 3              Sat.  Millet barley soup, bread, coffee.  Air raid – no

                        bombs.  (snowed some.)  No war news.  Took a bath.

                        (Dream food – éclairs)

Mar. 4              Sun.  Flour soup; . . . bread; 1 ¾ lb. spuds; . . . tea.

                        All Allied Front advancing 25- 70 km.  Cold and windy.

                        Mended socks.  (Dream food – French bread)


March 4, 1945, Sun. Night

Dear Mom,

     Seems as though one has a hard time finding something to write about.  Worst of the winter is past although March has been rather nasty so far.  I hope this means better weather towards the end.  (about seven lines blacked out by the censor)  Today some of the boys got their hair cut by a Hollander.  Yesterday we had our weekly shower, which is always very refreshing.  We were all issued small notebooks which I’m using for sort of a diary.  This should prove interesting in later years.  While I’m not doing anything else, I’m making several post-war plans.  I only hope I can carry a few of them out.  Your probably know more about the war than I do in most respects.  I hope for a speedy ending and this is not an impossibility.  Well, I guess I’ll sign off now.  Hope Mac and family, Toots and Bud are doing okay.

                                                            Love, Jim


Mar. 5              Mon. Veg. soup. 150 grams of pork; 10 grams lard, bread,

potatoes.  Truckload of sacked rye tipped over in bomb crater.  We salvaged some.  Cold – snowed.  Worked on pipe line.  Half of Dusseldorf taken.  (Dream food – sandwiches)

Mar. 6              Tues. Veg. soup – kohlrabi soup. 10 g. lard.  Bread (honey), potatoes.  Cold – snowing.  Some of the fellows got onions.

                        Pipeline near Pirna.  Cologne captured.  Vicinity being shelled.  Heavy fighting in Italy – Gerry said war nearly

                        over.  (Dream food – Chinese Food)

Mar. 7              Weds. Veg. soup, butter?, bread, spuds, tea.  Ultimatum given Germany.  Dusseldorf taken.  Americans 50 km. from here, 8 km. from Berlin.  Worked on pipeline.  (Dream food – pecan pie)

Mar. 8              Thurs.  Flour soup, spuds, cheese, beets, bread, coffee.  Worked on pipeline.  One fellow swiped a few spuds.  Jingle difficult to get along with.  War progressing as usual.  Quite a bit of defense construction in vicinity.  (Dream food – Italian food)

Mar. 9              Fri.  Sweet/sour soup, bread, sugar, tea.  About to finish up the ditch.  Most of beets gone – some of the boys got a few.  Not much war news.

Mar. 10            Sat. Noodle soup, spuds, bread.  Hauled off the rest of the beets this a.m.  Took a bath as usual.  Still hungry for anything.

Mar. 11            Sun. Worked half a day on what seems to be a new air raid shelter.  First Sunday I’ve worked.  Jingle really making us work.

Mar. 12            Mon. Guard came out to get us at 3 p.m.  We are to move to Pirna to new lager.  Supposedly a half hour walk but as usual the Germans stretched it to one hour.

Mar. 13            Tues.  Worked in bombed residential area filling in bomb craters.  Civilians very good to us.  Worked very little. They bring skelly out to us here.  Turn in pants and jackets every night.  Much more strict here.  Change command.


13 March 1945

War Department

AGPC-G 201 Fuller, James G.

Dear Mrs. Fuller:

     I am referring to your communication concerning your son, Private James G. Fuller, who has been missing in action since 16 December 1944, and it is with regret that I must inform you that the War Department has received no additional information regarding the circumstances surrounding his disappearance.

     It is the expressed policy and constant effort of the Department to furnish to the families concerned all information available regarding our missing personnel, and to this end everything that is humanly possible is being done to ascertain their status and whereabouts.  You may be assured that, without any further request on your part, you will be notified promptly when any additional information is received, and as you were previously advised, in the absence of any further report, this office will again communicate with you at the end of three months.

     My sympathy continues with you in your grief and anxiety, and I am earnestly hoping that your courage will endure through this trying and distressing period of uncertainty.

                                                Sincerely yours.

                                                J.A. Ulio

                                                Major General

                                                The Adjutant General


Mar. 14            Weds.  Worked for . . . unloaded sheets of cement.  Harder work. We do our own cooking here.  No news.

Mar. 15            Thurs.  Worked for a grocery warehouse.  Unloaded sugar.  Ate all we could hold – brought home a little.  Had a good chow there.  This is a good detail.

Mar. 16            Hauled sand inside a beet factory or something similar.  Picked up some thing German which tasted fairly good.  Very warm so you can imagine what we did.

Mar. 17            Worked for paper factory.  This is a good deal.  Had to sweat out a three-hour air raid.  Was called in about writing.  I was doing as little as possible in a letter.  Now I’m on a coal detail for 8 days.

Mar. 18            Sun.  Coal detail didn’t materialize.  Spent time around barracks reading, cleaning up, and doing a little work.


Headquarters 422nd Infantry

30 March 1945

My dear Mrs. Fuller:

     Your letters of 24 February 45 and 25 February 45, addressed to the

Commanding Officer and to the Chaplain concerning Pvt. James G. Fuller, ASN 376700388 have been referred to me for reply.

     James, as a member of the 422nd Infantry, was in a defensive position in the vicinity of Schlausenbach, Germany, when the enemy began their offensive, and it was after the action (16 December – 21  December) that he was reported as Missing in Action.

     To date, no further information has been received at this headquarters concerning your son.  However, if more information should become available at a later date, you will be promptly notified.

     We sincerely regret our inability to furnish you with the information you seek, and hope that we may have additional information in the near future.

                                                Very sincerely yours,

                                                M.N. Crank

                                                Captain, 422nd Infantry



April 17            Moved out of Pirna – a Tuesday morning

Stopped at a lodge for three days 12 kilometers from Pirna.

Moved to a barn 8 kilos from the lodge.


April 26, 1945

Dear Jim,

     You can’t imagine how happy we were to receive your letter, the one written January 18th.

     Bud reported to Fort McArthur on his birthday.  He is up at Camp Roberts now.  He seems to be getting along just fine.

     It doesn’t seem possible that it is almost summer time.  Ila went to Rochester and visited the relatives for two months this spring.  Her arm was bothering her again.  Maybe this time she will be OK.

     John Gillette was here for a week before Bud left.  Riley is overseas now.

     Leona Moreland and Wincie (friend of Grace’s) are living with mom and me now.  Mom and I still work the same hours.  Mom is gaining weight and looks better than ever.

     Certainly enjoyed your letter.  Can’t wait until you (are home) and eat fried chicken.  It is nice you are getting along so well.  Hope to hear from you again soon.  Mom will write to you Saturday when she has more time.  Take it easy.  Hope to hear from you soon or better yet see you.

                                                            Love, Toots (Marian Fuller)

                                                            Letter returned to sender at the

                                                            Direction of the War Department,

                                                            Undeliverable as addressed.


April 27            Moved out to be turned over; got 2 kilos and were turned back.  Missed the boat – supposed to be turned over in two or three days.  I’m now sweating it out surviving on two or three spuds and a quarter loaf of bread.



Milford, Iowa, April 1945

     Mr. and Mrs. Emil Cable received a letter Saturday from the former Ila

Fuller, telling them of the whereabouts of Pvt. Jim Fuller, who has been missing in Germany since December.

     The Fullers had received a letter from Jim dated Jan. 18.  He was a prisoner of war in Germany.  The camp which he was in was Stalag IV-B.  This camp is located near Dresden, and it is believed that the prisoner may now be liberated.

     Jim stated that he couldn’t say very much.  They were warm enough and had enough to eat.  He said that the Red Cross boxes helped a lot.  Cigarettes were the medium of exchange – 15 cigarettes would buy a jar of jam, and one cigarette would buy a haircut.  There wasn’t much to do, he said.  At the time he wrote he had been playing cards with some British prisoners.  He told his mother to the see the Red Cross for information on how to write to him.


May 4               Friday.  Spud and barley skelly, 1/8 loaf of bread.  Swiped a                       few spuds and begged some more.  War down to days now. 

                        Things are looking up.

May 5               Sat.  Three spuds, bite of meat, bread.  Read most of the day.

                        P.W.s run around the village like free men.  5% Germany

                        fighting.  Some got spuds and eggs.


10 May 1945

RE: Pvt. James G. Fuller

United States Prisoner of War #314412

Stalag 4B, Germany

Dear Mrs. Fuller:

     The Provost Marshal General has directed me to inform you that the above-named has been reported interned as a prisoner of war at the place indicated.

     Germany having been defeated, it is assumed that he has been returned to United States military control.

     Reports received from the Theatre of Operations in Europe state that it is impossible to deliver letters or parcels to Americans who were held as prisoners of war by Germany.  Therefore, letters or parcels cannot be sent to him.

     The War Department has made provision to return to the United States all liberated prisoners of war as soon as practicable and has assigned a high priority for the return of such persons.

     You will be notified by the War Department at the earliest practicable date of any further information in regard to this prisoner.

                                                Sincerely yours,

                                                Howard F. Bresee

                                                Colonel, CMP

                                                Director, American Prisoner of War

                                                Information Bureau

                                                Provost Marshal General’s Office


May 22, Tues.

Dear Mom,

     I’m now an ex-P.W. and yesterday was my official VE day since I first met the Yanks yesterday.  It was really a wonderful feeling to get back and talk with some real Americans.  My first GI meal consisted of chicken, mashed spuds, asparagus, and cocoa.  Oh! Yes, the first white bread I’d seen for five months.  It was really good, almost like home.

     For the past two weeks since the VE day, I can’t complain about anything hardly.  We’ve been living off the fat of the land so to speak, getting into food warehouses along with the Russians . . . The P.W.s have been making up for lost time the best way possible.  Most of the boys did fairly well by the way.

     For the past three days, two Yanks, British and myself have been cycling toward the Yank lines.  This was really an experience.  We would go along during the day, stopping now and then to inquire where the Yanks were and always getting a different answer.  At night we would stop at some small village, sleep at the hotel and burn the farmers for food.  We got all we wanted one way or another.  For example, we had two dozen eggs, fried spuds, ham and about one and a half gallons of milk for breakfast the other morning for the five of us.  This food was given us mainly because the Russians were raising so much hell and they were the loser (civilians).  They knew we were Yank soldiers. The Russians (are) fairly rough boys in some ways, and I don’t know but what its a good thing.  There is so much more I could say, but I’ll save it for the next time I write.  All is caput in Deutchland.  That is the by word here, and it certainly is true.  Be seeing you soon.

                                                            Love, Jim




May 22, 1945, Tuesday

Dear Mom,

     Getting closer to home all the time.  I’m now at a clearing station more or less and should leave soon for an airport to go to the coast or to England.  I’ve just been stuffing myself with Army C-rations.  You would hardly realize anything could taste so good.  The Red Cross just finished fixing us up, and they do a fairly good job. Give one candy, cigarettes, toilet articles, and chewing gum.  One can tell he’s back with the Americans.  The Germans hardly see anything besides spuds and bread.  Well, more later.

                                                                                    Love, Jim


P.S.  The envelop was given to me by a Cech with whom we stayed for 2 days after VE Day, and the stamp I’ve carried since I’ve been captured.  Since I’ve no address, you can’t write to me as yet.



May 25, 1945, Thurs. noon

Dear Mom,

     This is about the only paper I could find, but I guess it’ll do as good as any.  I’m now in an old Jerry barracks just outside the town of Erfurt waiting for a plane to go to France.  You can easily realize that you are back with the GIs when you go to mess.  They really eat around here, better than most of the camps in the States.  The main reason for this is that it is a transit camp, and they keep a large stock of food on hand.  Some meals they have 100 men and then again they will have 1,000.

     Not much to do here except eat and read.  Last night I saw a movie in a town about ten miles from here. (“Leave It To Blondie”)  It wasn’t much good, so I’m going again tonight to see “The Vinseen.”  I hope this is better, and I think it will be.

   The main reason we had to lay over here a day or more is because of bad weather.  The planes leave from a nearby field and it has only grass runways, so we wait till it dries out.  This is about as good a way to spend one’s time as any.

   From the way some of the fellows stationed here talk, I should be in the States in a month, but one has to remember that he is still in the army.  This noon we had steak, mashed spuds, peas, peaches, bread, butter and coffee (all you wanted).  The grub is really thrown at you.  Belgians do all the work in the mess hall.  Tonight we are supposed to have ice cream.  OH! BOY!  More later.

                                                                        Love, Jim


May 25, 1945, Friday p.m. (date as written by Fuller)

Dear Mom,

     I’m still here at Erfurt waiting a lift, and it should be here tomorrow.  We’ve seen no rain now for almost 24 hours, and it looks as though it is clearing off.  I feel as though I’ve been here long enough anyway, especially with nothing to do. One can’t even find a good magazine or book to read, but then I shouldn’t complain.  About all we do here is wait for a plane, no processing of any kind.  At the next stop in France, we should get clean clothes, a physical exam, etc.

    The show last night was good but the projector wasn’t working very good.  I could hardly see the screen, and it was a murder mystery.  Missed a lot of dark scenes, which made it all the worse.  Tonight one show is “Winged Victory,” an Air Corps picture of some type, I suppose.  The theatre was almost packed last night with GIs in this vicinity.  I suppose it will be again tonight.

     This morning for breakfast we had fresh eggs, oatmeal, bread, butter and coffee.  The eggs and oatmeal were swell.  At the last camp, the P.W.s were given C rations to eat, but one of my buddies and I went to the kitchen of one of the engineer’s companies and had “hot cakes.”  They were the first I’ve tasted, made with plenty of eggs and milk.  Right now I’m waiting for time to pass until we can go for supper.

    I suppose Bird is back in the Navy by now.  How are Mac Sr. and Jr. getting along?  Tell Toots to get caught up on her sleep because she’ll need it when I get home.

                                                            Love, Jim


Headquarters, European Theatre of Operations

United States Army

26 May 1945

Dear Mrs. Fuller:

     Since General Eisenhower’s letter to you, we have fully investigated the case of your son.  The information has been obtained from Pvt. Fuller’s own unit, the 422nd Infantry Regiment of the 106th Infantry Division.

     On 16 December 1944, while your son’s organization was in the vicinity of Schlausenbach, Germany, the enemy overran our forces in that village.  The suddenness and surprise of this attack prevented the escape of some of our units in that area.  A careful check of all men made shortly afterward revealed that your son was missing.  When this area was once again in our hands, a thorough search was made for all missing personnel,  but no trace of your son could be found.

     Many soldiers who were taken prisoner by the Germans have been returned to our forces, and these men are being reported to the War Department as quickly as administrative and transmission facilities permit.  If there is any change in this information, the next of kin named by Pvt. Fuller will be immediately informed by the War Department.

     It is a real regret to me that no more encouraging news can be sent to you.  Please accept my deepest sympathy.


                                                R.B. Lovett,

                                                Brigadier General, USA

                                                Adjutant General


Sat. May 26

Dear Mom,

     I’m really having the time of my life at this camp.  They fit the P.W.s with new clothes, give them a little processing, and then send them to le Harve, a port for transport to the U.S.  I don’t know how many Germans P.W.s are here, but enough to keep our shoes shined, hair cut, and serve the meals. This is about the closest to home one can get without actually being there.  Some say we will be kept here a little longer for questioning since we were liberated by the Russians.  Most of the boys have taken trains for Le Harve, but we may fly.  Today we flew about 300 miles in a C-47, about like any airplane ride only it lasted a little longer.  Should be in the States by the middle of June if everything goes okay.  I was at the movie for a while tonight, but when the projector starting acting up, I left.  The movie was “I’ll Meet You in St. Louis” or something to that effect.

                                                Love, Jim


June 1

Friday evening

Dear Mom,

     Today was the busiest I’ve had since arriving about a week ago.  Almost as many forms to fill out as in induction center.  We got clothes, a physical, had another “shot” for typhus, and when we weren’t doing anything useful the “packet leader” oriented us concerning the camp and formations we would have to make tomorrow.  I intended to go to a show tonight but couldn’t find one that was open.

     Took a shower tonight.  It is very handy here in a way since they give you clean underwear and socks as well as soap.  The only drawback is that one has to walk about a quarter mile to get to showers.

     It seems they have most of the RAMPS here at this camp, considering the numbers of familiar faces one sees.  I’ve seen several fellows I’ve worked with on “Komando” and even more that were in the same company as me.

     The packet leader said we were due to leave camp in about two days, but where to, he didn’t know.  It sounds good anyway.  Lights out now at Red Cross.

                                                            Love, Jim.


Washington D.C. 6/2/45

Mrs. Opal Fuller.

The Secretary of War desires me to inform you that your son, Pfc Fuller, James G., returned to military control.

                                                J.A. Ulio

                                                Adj. Gen.

June 3, Sun. Eve.

Dear Mom,

     Yes!  I’m still at Camp Lucky Strike.  We now have our shipping orders, but what that means only time will tell.  Had a good sun bath this afternoon while I read a book, and for once, I didn’t over do it.  This evening I went to a U.S.O. show, but the rain made it unenjoyable.  It would rain two minutes, clear off, and in fifteen minutes, it would be raining again.  I’ve never encountered such weather before.

     Tomorrow, by order of the commanding general, we have a schedule to follow: calisthenics, close order drill and athletics.  No one likes it, but it will do us good, I believe.  I heard some of the fellow in another part of the camp were moving out today.  I’m ready to get on the boat any time.  Noting much more of interest, I guess.

                                                Love, Jim


June 4, Mon. Eve.

Dear Mom,

     I guess the General left camp today because we had no close order drill, retreat, no nothing, just the same old routine more or less.  This morning I read and this afternoon attended the dedication of a Red Cross club on the post.  The General in charge of RAMPS till they are aboard a boat told us we would all be on our way by the ninth except a few stragglers in the hospital, etc.  This was encouraging news, especially coming from a two-star general.  They also gave out ice cream and cake after the speech making.  They had to have something to draw a crowd.  It was good cake and plenty of it.  The only trouble was that I didn’t stay around long enough.  This evening I went to the movie, “Murder, My Sweet,” – very interesting.  Should be somewhere in the States by the Fourth.                                                       Love, Jim


Plans for furlough in the States: [from journal]


Eat at “Swedish Smorgasbord”

Visit Frisco

See some good stage shows

Visit Milford two or three days – eat

Visit Minneapolis – go to Minn. from Chicago.

Visit Boulder Dam

Do some cooking with in L.A. – baking

Eat some sea food

Celebrate Xmas of 44


Go inland from Frisco to L.A.

See Yosemite National Park

Visit Rudd in Sac.

At least see a few things and enjoy myself.


Plans for eating at home:


Meats, etc., dishes                          Desserts

Fried Oysters and shrimp                    Peanut butter cream pie

Rabbit and various sea food                        Banana cream cake

Chow Mein                                           Molasses and peanuts

Hot Tamales                                         Pineapple upside down cake

Stuffed baked potatoes                                    Raisin pie and chocolate ice

Chinese food                                                     cream

Sweet potatoes                                      Banana pie

Corn mush with ham – fried ham      Raisin and marshmallow

            or bacon                                        pudding

Southern corn bread

Record of Fellow POWs


Thomas T. Nock                            Raymond Pirl

Sterrett, Alaska                                     Mill Run, PA RFD #1


Max Wilder                                           Donald A. Myers

Louisburg, NC  R. #1                            Menominee, Mich. R. #1


Clarence Keith                                      Delbert M. Stouffer

Society Hill, S.C.                              Cresaptown, MD


Roland E. Stoehner                                   Joe F. Talson

1507 W. Randolph St.                             Stillwater, Ky.

St. Charles, Mo.


G. Frank Pape  RFD #1                                    Lonzo Backsher

Marietta, Ohio                                       848 Harris St.

                                                            Nagadoches, TX


John F. Garvas                                      James L. Wynn

Ridgewood Add. So. Drive              411 South Main St.

Virginia, Minn. Box 685                        Somerset, Ky


Clayton E. Rudd                            Donald Riser

2720 2nd Ave.                                        Meriden, Kan. RFD #1

Sacramento 17, Calif.


Norman K. Schmittou                                  David F. Miller

Vanleer, Tenn.                                      RFD #2

                                                            Port Washington, Ohio




Rodman W. Seveke                         Jodie Gowan

410 Greenbrier St.                                Gleason, Tenn.  R. #1

Charleston, VA


Aquillie Rape                                        Charles M. Self

RFD 1                                                  Erial Rd.

LaFayette, Ga                                       Blackwood, N.J/


William L. Adams                          John D. Wilson

Bexar, Ala.  Route 1                         980 Grant Ave.

                                                            Rockford, Ill.


Charles R. Linquant                                   Jack McElroy

1822 Holland Ave.                             1500 P. St.

Bronx 60, N.Y.                                     Lincoln, Neb.


Sigurd Tergesen                                    Eugene Hayden

970 55 St.                                             36 N. Albany Ave.

Brooklyn, N.Y.                                      Chicago, Ill.


Lloyd Kear                                           Roman Szopinski

Upland, Calif.                                        3100 W. 44th St.

                                                            Chicago 32, Ill.

George W. Holly, Jr.                                   Jesse W. Larrimore

Leary Ave.                                           c/o Mrs. H.L. Rushing

Bloomingdale, N.Y.                             Richmond Hill, Ga.


J.W. Burnett                                         Francis E. White

Knoxville, Tenn. RFD 8                          634 Gar            field St.

                                                            Kansas City, Mo.


Wm. J. Welle                                        Jesse Flores

425 N. Meyler St.                                Box 583

San Pedro, Calif.                            Yoakum, Texas


Charles Mahoney                                  Oliver B. Boggs

Charlestown, W. Va. RFD #1                        Uffington, West Va. R. #1


John H. Mitchell                                    B.M. Harrell

Box 110                                                Texline, Texas

Dalton, Ga.


Ernest C. Bradshaw                                 Stanley Bojanowski

Box 714                                                2317 10th St.

Greenfield, Calif.                            Wyandotte, Mich.



George W. Hazelwood                                Gerald E. Duryea

South Hill, VA.                                      Neongwak Park

                                                            Camdenton, Mo.


Daly B. Holt                                         Thomas E. Barnett

P.O. Box 403                                        Sylacavga, Ala.  R. #3

Little Rock, Ark.


Price F. Barber                                     Charles M. Osborn

707 6th Ave., Sterling, Ill.                    Independence, Va. R. 3