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Seven North Dakota Sisters of Mary of the Presentation
interned at Vittel, France during World War II
by the Germans from 24 September 1945 to 25 February 1944

read their story as told by Sister Annetta LeBeau


top row, right to left: Sisters Corinne Yepson, Aloys Marie Pulskamp, Theresa Haman, St. Edward Haman
bottom row, left to right: Sisters Annetta LeBeau, Loretta Bernier, Alexandra Turcotte


Ironically, not only did the Gripsholm bring U.S. nationals interned in Nazi-occupied Europe back to the United States, but it also sent German-American civilian interneees back to Europeoften against their will. Some of the German-American internees (in largest part immigrants to the U.S. in the 1920s and '30s who did not have citizenship by the time the U.S. entered the war in December 1941) had been interned in North Dakota, at Fort Lincoln near Bismarck.

Sisters of Mary of the Presentation in France during World War II



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